Instructional Teams/Trainer
Stacy Lyon 连芯玫
Utah Chinese Dual Language Immersion Director;
Founding member of CELIN (Chinese Early Language Immersion Network) Advisory Board;
NCSSFL Member;
Zheng Liping 郑丽萍
M.A. in Education
Current Utah DLI Secondary State Coordinator
Elementary Chinese Immersion Teacher - 5 years
DLI/Chinese/Math Endorsements
Secondary AP Chinese and Bridge Program Teacher -1 year
Current certified AAPPL test rater
Sterling Scholar World Language Semi-Finals Judge (2019-2022)
Wu Jiajie 吴嘉捷
Jiajie Wu was born in Xi'An and grew up in Chengdu, China. She loves the ancient architecture in Xi'an and the casual living style of Chengdu. Ms. Wu came to the U.S. to study from 2010-2012 and received a M.A. in Teaching at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, UT. Before joining the state Chinese DLI team three years ago as a coordinator, she was a Chinese DLI elementary teacher for 8 years. She is honored and proud to see all the DLI students grow and glow in the immersion program. She has great interest in curriculum development, coaching/feedback, and instructional support for DLI teachers.
Dr. Luyi Lien 连鹭役博士
CEO/ Executive Director of Yinghua Academy
Immersion program and curriculum consultant
Startalk program Director
Immersion education expert and practitioner
犹他州教学 团队
Marty Chen 陈真秀
Elementary, high school, college teacher;
Director of Technology, AAICE
Utah Bridge Regional coordinator;
Startalk team leader and instructor; Summer camps teacher trainer
Marty Chen 老师自2003年开始教小学,2009年开始教导中文沉浸式并开始分享经验,提供培训帮助不同州以及其他国家的各级中文老师。陈老师也曾帮助犹他州制定教材和教学规范。她出版的幼儿中文读本已由Cengage 出版。陈老师目前教导高中并担任专员协助犹他州北区的中文桥梁课的老师。
Ning Zhao 赵宁
2012年在Davis 学区被授予Davis学区的关爱奖
2015年在Davis学区年被授予犹他州小学Karl Jones数学教育的杰出奖。
Fengmin Li 李凤敏
Fengmin Li, a current 3rd-grade Chinese teacher at Ridgecrest Elementary in Canyons School District, Salt Lake City, Utah. She has been teaching 3rd-grade Chinese Dual Immersion for four years. This coming year will be the 5th year.
LJ Yang 杨立瑾
Chinese Language Coordinator,
Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
IB Workshop Leader/Site Visitor
Wenting Wang 王文婷
Director of Academic at Yu Ming Charter School
Clear California administration/ teaching credential
M.A in Teaching and Curriculum from Michigan State University
California Administrative Program from Reach University
9 years immersion field teaching and administrative working experience
Actively presented at NCLC,ACTFL etc conferences
Kathleen Wang 王克玲
Kathleen Wang is a lead founder of the Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School in Hadley, Massachusetts. She currently serves as founding Principal of the school and is in her 16th year. The Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School (PVCICS) is a tuition free Kindergarten through 12th grade public charter school serving 39 communities in western Massachusetts consisting of rural, suburban and urban communities. PVCICS is an International Baccalaureate World School offering the Diploma Programme in high school. The student population is diverse social-economically, racially/ethnically, and linguistically. She has spoken at national conferences to share her experiences developing a Chinese immersion program.
Ms. Yuqing Hong 洪宇清
Ms. Yuqing Hong, the founding principal of Public School 310 in district 20 of the New York City Department of Education, is an experienced and dynamic educational leader. Prior to establishing the school, she was a Senior Curriculum Specialist in the New York City Department of Education, a Reading Coordinator, and an Instructional Specialist at the regional level. Before she became an administrator, she had taught for 15 years to students of all ages. Her 26 years of experience in education include administration, curriculum writing, professional development, and classroom instruction. She has supported and assisted schools to achieve high standards. She also has expertise in teaching foreign languages. Ms. Hong additionally served as a teacher trainer to the NYU STARTALK teaching training programs, a Guest Teacher Advisor to the College Board’s Chinese Guest Teacher Program, and is currently an adjunct lecturer for the ENL/Bilingual Teachers’ Program in City College, CUNY and NYU.
纽约市教育局第二十学区公立学校310小学创始校长洪宇清女士在教育界服务多年,具有丰富的教学和管理经验。在成立学校之前,她曾在纽约市教育局任资深课程和教学专员,阅读协调员和区域一级的英语教学专员。在从事教学管理工作之前,她有15年的教龄,教过包括小学,初中,和高中各个年龄段的孩子。她26年的教育经验包括教学行政,课程设计,老师培训等等。她曾协助她管辖的学校达到高标准。此外, 她还具有外语教学的专长。 洪女士曾担任纽约大学STARTALK教学培训课程的培训师,大学理事会中文客座教师计划的客座教师顾问。目前, 她是纽约大学和纽约市立大学城市学院ENL /双语教学系的客座讲师。
Cindy Chiang 姜欣怡
Cindy Chiang is the Chinese Program Director at Chinese American International School (CAIS) in San Francisco, CA, a 2 year old-8th grade school that has the nation's oldest Chinese immersion program. She started her career teaching in Elementary and Junior High School in Taiwan, then obtained her master degree of TESOL and California Elementary Multiple Subject Credential. Before coming to CAIS, Cindy served as a 5th grade Chinese teacher and became the Chinese Academic Dean at Silicon Valley International School in Palo Alto, CA. She is an ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) certified tester and has been serving on the Early Childhood Chinese Immersion Forum (ECCIF) for 5 years. Cindy has presented at the National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC). Earlier in her career in the Chinese, she also served as a founding member and content specialist at Level Chinese (aka Level Learning).
Zhining Chin, Ph.D 秦志宁博士
a long term Chinese Immersion Education expert. She was the founder and school board member for Yinhua Academy. She also worked as the advisory of Hopkins XinXing Academy since 2007. She published two series: “这是我的书 It’s my book” and “iSuper 中文小博士 iSuper Chinese science resources”.
秦志宁博士是美国中小学“沉浸式汉语教学”方面的专家,长期以来担任美国明尼苏达州多个汉语沉浸式教学项目的顾问。创立全美首个中文沉浸式项目英华学校(Yinghua Academy)并担任董事会成员。2007年起担任明尼苏达州霍普金斯教育局新星中文小学中文顾问,十多年来,负责推广与发展沉浸式课程,以及相关教学和语言文化方面的活动。秦志宁博士曾在多个杂志上发表过关于对外汉语教学的文章,如《美国中文教学与研究》等。文章内容包括美国中文沉浸式项目的发展与研究, 指导性阅读理论,以及以学科为基础的对外汉语教学理论与实践等等。
秦志宁博士是《这是我的书》中文指导性阅读丛书的总编,该丛书由北京语言大学出版社出版,共计划出十三级,现已出版了八级。该书的数据化平台也在全面开发之中,很快会与读者见面。秦志宁博士同时也是《iSuper中文小博士》科学教学丛书以及配套资源的主编, 该书由高等教育出版社出版,共计划出六级,现已出版了四级。该书的教师指南也在加紧推行之中,目前已经出版了水平二的阶段。
Dilu Shi 石滴露
明尼苏达州Hamline University 教育学硕士毕业,在此期间顺利通过明州k-6 小学教师资格考试,拿到明州教育厅小学全科教师执照。现任明尼苏达州霍普金斯学区新星中文小学三年级班主任。教授小学课程的所有主要学科(包括中文,数学,自然科学,社会科学,健康,电脑科技,等。英语除外);还要负责学生品行成长发展。从2009年以来,她从事中文沉浸式教学13年,具有丰富的教学经验。石滴露老师勇于钻研,敢于创新,特别是在用中文教授科学等学科上不断探索灵活、高效的教学方法,让学生们沉浸在学科知识里快乐的学习掌握中文语言,深受学生喜爱。
在积极探索教育教学方法的同时,石滴露老师还担任了新星小学测量辅导员(assessment coordinator )的工作,负责和组织新星小学各个年级的中文标准化测试,例如YCT, AAPPL, STAMP 等测试。在她的协调下,新星小学各年级老师能够正确地运用标准化测试的结果来检验中文沉浸式教学中的优缺点,汇报给家长,帮助学生和家长了解学生的中文学习情况,从而协助学生制定长远的中文学习计划。
Donghong Wang 王冬红老师
Shin Chi Fame Kao 高实琪
Coordinator and Curriculum Director of the Utah Chinese Bridge Program
The Second Language Teaching & Research Center, University of Utah
Adjunct Instructor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, University of Utah
高实琪老师目前任职于犹他大学第二外语教学研究中心,为犹他州“大学中文桥樑项目”(Utah Chinese Bridge Program)项目专员,以及该项目教材编审主委,同时也是犹他大学语言文化系兼任讲师,代表犹他大学在两所高中与该校中文老师共同教授大学中文桥梁课程。
高老师在美国K-16各级学校任教多年。她曾在南加州的周末中文学校、公立小学、初中以及高中担任过十多年的中文老师。2013年迁居犹他州之后,曾担任犹他州中文沉浸式项目小学五年级的老师、犹他州州教育厅中文沉浸式项目中学部专员、犹他大学孔子学院K-12项目专员、犹他大学第二外语教学研究中心军人语言进修班的中文讲师。她还担任过多年的AP阅卷老师,以及ACTFL 中文OPI口语测试员,并曾获得由全美中小学中文教师协会所颁发的2021学年度优秀中文教师奖。